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robinson crusoe 魯賓遜〔英國小說家 Daniel Defoe 所著《魯賓...


I poor miserable robinson crusoe , being shipwreck d , during a dreadful storm , in the offing , came on shore on this dismal unfortunate island , which i call d the island of despair , all the rest of the ship s company being drown d , and my self almost dead 一六五九年九月三十日我,可憐而不幸的魯賓遜克羅索,在一場可怕的大風暴中,在大海中沉船遇難,流落到這個荒涼的孤島上。我且把此島稱之為“絕望島“吧。同船伙伴皆葬身魚腹,我本人卻九死一生。

In defoe ' s he farther adventures of robinson crusoe , the shipwrecked spaniards and the mutinous english sailors have joined forces , married native women from another island , and established a thriving colony 在笛福所著該書續集《魯濱遜飄流后記》中,那些因船只失事而落難的西班牙人與那些鬧事的英國水手聯合在一起,大家娶另一島上的土著女人為妻,建立起一個興盛的殖民地。

After several more adventures , in one of which the faithful friday is killed , robinson crusoe returns for the last time to england , where he lives out the rest of his years in peace and contentment 在笛福所著該書續集《魯濱遜飄流后記》中,那些因船只失事而落難的西班牙人與那些鬧事的英國水手聯合在一起,大家娶另一島上的土著女人為妻,建立起一個興盛的殖民地。

In that case , however , it is likely that the american will have read or at least have heard anout the story of robinson crusoe , which will introduce a measure of predefinition of the situation at least for him 因此,在這個例子中美國人會讀過,或者聽過魯賓遜漂流記的故事,至少這故事對他而言可以先定義情境。

Robinson crusoe is concerning robinson lives alone on the island for twenty - eight years . my favourite character is a man who is dauntless and intelligent . who is he ? he is robinson 魯濱遜漂流記是關于魯濱遜二十八年來在孤島上獨自生活的故事。我最喜歡的角色是一個不屈不撓而且聰明的人,他是誰?他就是魯濱遜。

Yet , while society might conceivably get along without economists , it would be difficult to imagine a world in which economics did not play a role , even the mythical world of robinson crusoe 然而,如果沒有經濟學家,這個社會可能會發展得更好,不過很難想象一個沒有經濟學的世界,甚至包括虛構的魯賓遜世界。

Daniel defoe wrote the story of robinson crusoe suggested by the experience of alexander selkirk , a scotish sailor 丹尼爾?笛福是受到蘇格蘭水手亞歷山大?塞爾扣克經歷的啟發,而寫出《魯濱遜漂流記》的。

“ transaction costs “ must be defined to be all the costs which do not exist in a robinson crusoe economy 這種定義的確很有見地。但有一點,單人世界是否存在交易成本?交易成本是否影響單人的行為?

A million gold dollars would have been worth no more than a million stones to robinson crusoe on his island home 對身陷孤島的魯賓遜?克魯索來說,一百萬枚金幣并不比一百萬塊石頭更有價值。

Although his father wants him to become a lawyer , young robinson crusoe is determined to go to sea 雖然魯濱遜?克魯索的父親想讓他成為律師,但他卻決心去航海。

Robinson crusoe ( daniel o ' herlihy ) is stranded alone on an island 根據著名經典小說改編而成,由西班牙大導演路易斯布紐爾執導。

Do you have the first edition of daniel defoe ' s robinson crusoe 你們有丹尼爾?笛福的第一版的《魯賓遜漂流記》嗎?

Say robinson crusoe was true to life . well then friday buried him 喏,可他還是由“星期五”埋葬的呢。

The first edition of robinson crusoe was printed in 1719 《魯濱遜漂流記》第一版是在1797年出版的。

Wonder what kind is swanmeat . robinson crusoe had to live on them 也不曉得天鵝的肉是什么滋味兒。